Robert Love <> writes:
> On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 16:18, J.A. Magallon wrote:
> > Er, why 'she' ?
> > In spanish we use root==admin as male, and root==tree or plant root,
> > as female.
> In English, the pronoun refers to the sex of the person. These is no
> gender of words like in Spanish (i.e., a dog is a dog).
> So, since administrators come in both sexes, I picked one.
Except the convention in English is to use the male in that case.
Using the female pronoun tends to distract from the point.
There are plenty of plural forms that do not imply gender at all.
As in:
> Yah, I know. But this is a lot of code just to prevent root users from hanging
> themselves, and there are plenty of other ways they can do that.
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