> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stuart Longland [mailto:stuartl@longlandclan.hopto.org]
> On Thu, Jul 31, 2003 at 02:34:01PM +0200, Måns Rullgård wrote:
> | Nico Schottelius <nico-kernel@schottelius.org> writes:
> | > Modul options could be passed my
> | > echo "psmouse_noext=1" > /proc/mods/psmouse/options
> | > which would also make it possible to change module options while
> running..
> |
> | How would options be passed when loading? Some modules require that
> | to load properly.
> Possibility, why not just have a file, /proc/mods/initial, that you
> write the initial kernel module options to, e.g.
> # echo "ne2000 io=0x300 irq=11" > /proc/mods/initial
> Then you load the module using:
> # mkdir /proc/mods/ne2000/
> although you could skip this necessity and just load the module when
> someone writes to /proc/mods/initial.
> Just a thought.
>From an newbie:
How about having a dir for each available module created earliest moment
in boot process, (point where depmod is done now I guess). Each dir has
files 'options' and 'load'. then you could:
# echo "io=0x300 irq=11" > /proc/mods/ne2000/options
followed by
# echo "1" > /proc/mods/ne2000/load
Of course, I am probably missing the point or something :-(
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