can select() eventually exhaust kernel memory?
From: Gary Funck
Date: Sun Aug 10 2003 - 14:12:59 EST
[running Linux kernel 2.4.20-6, Redhat 9 (stock), on Athlon XP 2000]
Hello, recently I've been trying to run one of the Spamassassin (SA) tools,
called mass_check, which is used to tune the weights used by SA, and is run
by various volunteers prior to releasing SA. Mass_check (as well as SA) is
a Perl program. Well, mass_check fails in a rather unusual (for me, though
others seem to be running it fine) - after doing about 4 hours processing,
and reading only about 1/3 of the mail messages that I've asked it to process,
the main process goes into a state where it consumes cpu time (at about the 20%
to 30%
level per 'top'), and slowly over the course of 12 hours or so continually uses
more and more memory (swap space), until eventually it uses all available
memory (top
reports 0 memory free). Of course, at this point the load average goes through
the roof,
and the system has trouble making any forward progress. I ran 'strace' on the
after it goes into this "consuming cpu and memory" state. Strace shows only
single line:
select(8, [6], NULL, NULL, NULL) = ? ERESTARTNOHAND (To be restarted)
and the system memory continues to dwindle away, until after about 12 hours,
all 1G of
swap space has been consumed. Once the mass_check process is killed, the memory
released; mass_check appears to be the culprit, and since the only system call
is running is "select()", it appears that this call is somehow leading to
Question: Have you seen a problem like this before? Are there any known
with the 2.4 kernel's implementation of select() that lead to the exhaustion of
available memory?
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