Re: [PATCH] O16.2int
From: Voluspa
Date: Sat Aug 16 2003 - 09:44:28 EST
On Sun, 17 Aug 2003 00:09:06 +1000 Con Kolivas wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 21:07, Voluspa wrote:
> > On 2003-08-16 8:59:48 Con Kolivas wrote:
> Funny you should mention xmms in the same sentence since that's an app
> that works fine.
> Now you have to clarify what you mean by game test as being
> impossible. I assume you mean wine based games?
> If you can profile blender sucking it would be helpful.
I can still starve xmms while running Blender ;-) Game-test
(yes, wine) impossible means it acts almost exactly as I wrote about in:
We're talking many minutes of total starvation at each stage, start
- menu selection single player - load saved game menu - load game
(haven't had the patience to wait for an actual game to begin...)
Profile Blender? Ok, know nothing about the technique but will compile a
kernel with profiling and read up on what has been mentioned on this
list (Mr Erwin calling for proper "instrumentation")
Will take alot of time. I'll return any restults directly to your
address, won't copy lkml.
Mats Johannesson
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