Re: [RFC] Re: Blender profiling-1 O16.2int

From: William Lee Irwin III
Date: Mon Aug 18 2003 - 19:32:51 EST

On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 07:14:12PM -0500, Wes Janzen wrote:
> That makes sense, I was running a program that I found on IBM's website
> that's supposed to test context switching speed this weekend. It has 1
> free lock and passes them around the group. If I put it up to 32
> threads or so with one spare lock, I can start to see the starvation.
> When running vmstat, it's apparent when the the starvation occurs as the
> context switching sky-rockets. I was going to add to the example code
> to check for how many times a thread wakes up waiting for the lock and
> can't get it after reading that message about locks in the list. I
> guess I won't have to do that now. Anyway, that'll bring my system to a
> halt when the thread count gets up over 256. Still, it's usuable as
> long as I'm not doing something else that makes heavy use of the processor.

Could you give a URL to that benchmark?


-- wli
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