Re: Dumb question: Why are exceptions such as SIGSEGV not logged
From: Denis Vlasenko
Date: Tue Aug 19 2003 - 02:00:07 EST
On 19 August 2003 01:39, David Schwartz wrote:
> > And why not just catch the ones sent from the kernel? That's the one that
> > is killing the program because it crashed, and that's the one the
> > origional
> > poster wants logged...
> Because sometimes a program wants to terminate. And it is perfectly legal
> for a programmer who needs to terminate his program as quickly as possible
> to do this:
> char *j=NULL;
> signal(SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL);
> *j++;
> This is a perfectly sensible thing for a program to do with well-defined
> semantics. If a program wants to create a child every minute like this and
> kill it, that's perfectly fine. We should be able to do that in the default
> configuration without a sysadmin complaining that we're DoSing his syslogs.
I disagree. _exit(2) is the most sensible way to terminate.
Logginh kernel-induced SEGVs and ILLs are definitely a help when you hunt
daemons mysteriously crashing. This outweighs DoS hazard.
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