Re: Possible race condition in i386 global_irq_lock handling.
From: TeJun Huh
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 11:24:00 EST
On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 06:07:34AM -0400, Zwane Mwaikambo wrote:
> Ok 2.4 (but for future try and mention which kernel version). You'll have
> to forgive me if i misunderstand you..
The version I'm looking at is 2.4.21. Sorry about forgetting to
> Are you referring to hardirq_trylock()?
> > For this to work, the locking CPU should fetch the value of
> > local_irq_count after global_irq_lock value becomes visible to other
> > CPUs, and other CPUs should fetch the value of global_irq_lock after
> > making the incremented local_irq_count visible to other CPUs.
> Why after? it's currently in an interrupt anyway, the local_irq_count is
> per cpu so it's not used on other cpus why do you need to make it
> visible on other processors? (save irqs_running() but even that's ok)
I'm talking about global_irq_lock synchronization. local_irq_count
_is_ local but used to synchronize global irq lock. Sparc uses big
reader lock for this purpose but x86 code seems to use memory-ordered
lockless synchronization.
I'll describe it in more detail. On MP, cli() is __global_cli(),
which in turn calls get_irqlock(). get_irqlock() uses
test_and_set_bit() and wait_on_irq() to achieve global irq locking.
The counterpart of this locking is irq_enter() and irq_exit().
Simplified version of the mechanism is as following.
A. get_irqlock() -> wait_on_irq()
1. Repeat test_and_set_bit(0, &global_irq_lock) until we're the winner.
2. Test if all local_irq_count's are zero. If there is any non-zero
value, the CPU might have entered interrupt handler already. Clear
global_irq_lock and go back to step 1.
=> If the test succeeded, we should be sure that no other cpu is
running an interrupt handler and none will enter interrupt handler
until global_irq_lock is cleared.
B. irq_enter()
1. Increment local_irq_count.
2. Do test_bit(0, &global_irq_lock). If it's set, someone is trying to
grab or have grabbed global_irq_lock, loop until it gets cleared.
If global_irq_lock is clear, the CPU enters interrupt handler.
The race condition occurs because there is no mb() between step 1 and
2 of irq_enter(). Example scenarios would be
[AM]: atomic & memory barrier
[L] : local to cpu (not yet visible to other cpus)
[G] : became global
calls cli() Interrupt occurs
executing get_irqlock() executing irq_enter()
** Scenario #1
fetch global_irq_lock
[AM]set global_irq_lock test global_irq_lock
fetch local_irq_counter
test local_irq_counter [G]++local_irq_counter
** Scenario #2
fetch global_irq_lock
[AM]set global_irq_lock
fetch local_irq_counter
test local_irq_counter [L]++local_irq_counter
test global_irq_lock
On above scenarios, B enters interrupt handler and A returns
successfully from cli() - B will be executing an interrupt handler
while A is inside cli(), sti() critical section. This occurs because
there is nothing which forces fetching of global_irq_lock occur after
making local_irq_counter increment visible to other cpus.
If I misunderstood the synchronization mechanism or architectural
characteristics, please point out.
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