Re: [PATCH 2.6.0-test4][ATM][RESEND] fix ambassador.c
From: chas williams
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 07:25:10 EST
In message <20030824034637.522fdeb3.davem@xxxxxxxxxx>,"David S. Miller" writes:
>Please make sure to send this to the ATM maintainer. He's very
>responsible so I only take significant ATM patches that come through
responsible perhaps but slow. anyway the changes seem fine. del_timer
during module exit should probably be del_timer_sync so i have included
that as a seperate patch.
[atm]: [ambassador] clean up the code making use of sti/cli (from vinay-rc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
# This is a BitKeeper generated patch for the following project:
# Project Name: Linux kernel tree
# This patch format is intended for GNU patch command version 2.5 or higher.
# This patch includes the following deltas:
# ChangeSet 1.1281 -> 1.1282
# drivers/atm/ambassador.c 1.14 -> 1.15
# The following is the BitKeeper ChangeSet Log
# --------------------------------------------
# 03/08/25 chas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1282
# [ambassador] clean up the code making use of sti/cli (from vinay-rc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
# --------------------------------------------
diff -Nru a/drivers/atm/ambassador.c b/drivers/atm/ambassador.c
--- a/drivers/atm/ambassador.c Mon Aug 25 08:12:53 2003
+++ b/drivers/atm/ambassador.c Mon Aug 25 08:12:53 2003
@@ -310,10 +310,11 @@
+static void do_housekeeping (unsigned long arg);
/********** globals **********/
static amb_dev * amb_devs = NULL;
-static struct timer_list housekeeping;
+static struct timer_list housekeeping = TIMER_INITIALIZER(do_housekeeping, 0, 1);
static unsigned short debug = 0;
static unsigned int cmds = 8;
@@ -937,63 +938,6 @@
-/********** don't panic... yeah, right **********/
-static void dont_panic (amb_dev * dev) {
- amb_cq * cq = &dev->cq;
- volatile amb_cq_ptrs * ptrs = &cq->ptrs;
- amb_txq * txq;
- amb_rxq * rxq;
- command * cmd;
- tx_in * tx;
- tx_simple * tx_descr;
- unsigned char pool;
- rx_in * rx;
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags (flags);
- cli();
- PRINTK (KERN_INFO, "don't panic - putting adapter into reset");
- wr_plain (dev, offsetof(amb_mem, reset_control),
- rd_plain (dev, offsetof(amb_mem, reset_control)) | AMB_RESET_BITS);
- PRINTK (KERN_INFO, "marking all commands complete");
- for (cmd = ptrs->start; cmd < ptrs->limit; ++cmd)
- cmd->request = cpu_to_be32 (SRB_COMPLETE);
- PRINTK (KERN_INFO, "completing all TXs");
- txq = &dev->txq;
- tx = txq->in.ptr;
- while (txq->pending--) {
- if (tx == txq->in.start)
- tx = txq->in.limit;
- --tx;
- tx_descr = bus_to_virt (be32_to_cpu (tx->tx_descr_addr));
- amb_kfree_skb (tx_descr->skb);
- kfree (tx_descr);
- }
- PRINTK (KERN_INFO, "freeing all RX buffers");
- for (pool = 0; pool < NUM_RX_POOLS; ++pool) {
- rxq = &dev->rxq[pool];
- rx = rxq->in.ptr;
- while (rxq->pending--) {
- if (rx == rxq->in.start)
- rx = rxq->in.limit;
- --rx;
- dev_kfree_skb_any (bus_to_virt (rx->handle));
- }
- }
- PRINTK (KERN_INFO, "don't panic over - close all VCs and rmmod");
- set_bit (dead, &dev->flags);
- restore_flags (flags);
- return;
/********** make rate (not quite as much fun as Horizon) **********/
static unsigned int make_rate (unsigned int rate, rounding r,
@@ -1420,32 +1364,6 @@
-/********** DebugIoctl **********/
-#if 0
-static int amb_ioctl (struct atm_dev * dev, unsigned int cmd, void * arg) {
- unsigned short newdebug;
- if (cmd == AMB_SETDEBUG) {
- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- if (copy_from_user (&newdebug, arg, sizeof(newdebug))) {
- // moan
- return -EFAULT;
- } else {
- debug = newdebug;
- return 0;
- }
- } else if (cmd == AMB_DONTPANIC) {
- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- dont_panic (dev);
- } else {
- // moan
- return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
- }
/********** Set socket options for a VC **********/
// int amb_getsockopt (struct atm_vcc * atm_vcc, int level, int optname, void * optval, int optlen);
@@ -1524,33 +1442,6 @@
tx.tx_descr_length = cpu_to_be16 (sizeof(tx_frag)+sizeof(tx_frag_end));
tx.tx_descr_addr = cpu_to_be32 (virt_to_bus (&tx_descr->tx_frag));
- /* wey-hey! */
- if (vc == 1023) {
- unsigned int i;
- unsigned short d = 0;
- char * s = skb->data;
- switch (*s++) {
- case 'D': {
- for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
- d = (d<<4) | ((*s <= '9') ? (*s - '0') : (*s - 'a' + 10));
- ++s;
- }
- PRINTK (KERN_INFO, "debug bitmap is now %hx", debug = d);
- break;
- }
- case 'R': {
- if (*s++ == 'e' && *s++ == 's' && *s++ == 'e' && *s++ == 't')
- dont_panic (dev);
- break;
- }
- default: {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
while (tx_give (dev, &tx))
return 0;
@@ -1663,21 +1554,14 @@
/********** Operation Structure **********/
static const struct atmdev_ops amb_ops = {
- .open = amb_open,
+ .open = amb_open,
.close = amb_close,
- .send = amb_send,
+ .send = amb_send,
.proc_read = amb_proc_read,
.owner = THIS_MODULE,
/********** housekeeping **********/
-static inline void set_timer (struct timer_list * timer, unsigned long delay) {
- timer->expires = jiffies + delay;
- add_timer (timer);
- return;
static void do_housekeeping (unsigned long arg) {
amb_dev * dev = amb_devs;
// data is set to zero at module unload
@@ -1693,7 +1577,7 @@
dev = dev->prev;
- set_timer (&housekeeping, 10*HZ);
+ mod_timer(&housekeeping, jiffies + 10*HZ);
@@ -2579,11 +2463,7 @@
devs = amb_probe();
if (devs) {
- init_timer (&housekeeping);
- housekeeping.function = do_housekeeping;
- // paranoia
- = 1;
- set_timer (&housekeeping, 0);
+ mod_timer (&housekeeping, jiffies);
} else {
PRINTK (KERN_INFO, "no (usable) adapters found");
[atm]: [ambassador] use del_timer_sync instead
# This is a BitKeeper generated patch for the following project:
# Project Name: Linux kernel tree
# This patch format is intended for GNU patch command version 2.5 or higher.
# This patch includes the following deltas:
# ChangeSet 1.1282 -> 1.1283
# drivers/atm/ambassador.c 1.15 -> 1.16
# The following is the BitKeeper ChangeSet Log
# --------------------------------------------
# 03/08/25 chas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1.1283
# [ambassador] use del_timer_sync instead
# --------------------------------------------
diff -Nru a/drivers/atm/ambassador.c b/drivers/atm/ambassador.c
--- a/drivers/atm/ambassador.c Mon Aug 25 08:13:04 2003
+++ b/drivers/atm/ambassador.c Mon Aug 25 08:13:04 2003
@@ -2480,7 +2480,7 @@
// paranoia = 0;
- del_timer (&housekeeping);
+ del_timer_sync(&housekeeping);
while (amb_devs) {
dev = amb_devs;
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