Re: linux-2.4.22 released
From: Marc-Christian Petersen
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 16:47:09 EST
On Monday 25 August 2003 19:20, Mikael Pettersson wrote:
Hi Marcelo, Mikale,
> > > Someone (sorry I forgot who) said they would submit a DRM update.
> > that one was me, but Alan and some others said, it needs a cleanup first.
> > I can provide an update from the latest -ac tree if it's ok and then we
> > can do the cleanup on this. Ok?
> Sounds good to me.
ack, to me too ;-)
I'll send this privately to all of you except lkml because it's somewhat huge.
Anyway, here some info about it:
Patch information:
- Update XFree DRM code to recent code from 2.4.22-rc2-ac3
- DRI now works with XFree v4.3.0
- ATI IGP chipset support added incl. pci ids, AGP support
- Initial VIA CLE266 and S3 Savage DRM modules merges from VIA
(These are marked up with some warnings and need a chunk of clean up work)
- enabled 3dlabs GMX 2000 config option
All compiles cleanly, at least r128 (ati rage 128) works perfectly with XFree
v4.3.0. I have such a card :)
ciao, Marc
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