Re: KDB in the mainstream 2.4.x kernels?

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sat Aug 30 2003 - 05:46:16 EST


> > > instructions as a forth program that frobbed registers appropriately. The
> > > kernel would have a small forth interpretor to run it. Then switching
> > > resolutions could happen safely in the kernel.
> >
> > Did the proposal come with working code?
> I've seen workable non forth versions of the proposal yes. It isnt
> actually that hard to do for most video cards

We could make them use code for ACPI interpretter, that's already in
and has advantage that graphics people might eventually ship it in
card roms....

When do you have a heart between your knees?
[Johanka's followup: and *two* hearts?]
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