Re: PROBLEM: Powerquest Drive Image let the kernel panic
From: Sebastian Piecha
Date: Sun Aug 31 2003 - 07:25:49 EST
> 1) one line summary:
> Powerquest Drive Image (PQDI 2002) images (56 files, each ~700MB of
> size) are stored on a Linux server and published via Samba. When
> verifying them with PQDI from a Win XP client, the Linux kernel
> panic with an OOPS. Linux has to be resetted hard.
Now I also get the kernel panic when copying about 4GB of data from a
Win XP client to the samba share. I can drop the oops-message if
somebody is asking for.
Has nobody an idea how to fix this problem?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen/Best regards,
Sebastian Piecha
EMail: spi@xxxxxxxxx
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