Re: Scaling noise
From: Martin J. Bligh
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 10:24:58 EST
> multi node yes, numa not much and where numa-like systems are being used
> they are being used for message passing not as a fake big pc.
> Numa is valuable because
> - It makes some things go faster without having to rewrite them
> - It lets you partition a large box into several effective small ones
> cutting maintenance
> - It lets you partition a large box into several effective small ones
> so you can avoid buying two software licenses for expensive toys
> if you actually care enough about performance to write the code to do
> the job then its value is rather questionable. There are exceptions as
> with anything else.
The real core use of NUMA is to run one really big app on one machine,
where it's hard to split it across a cluster. You just can't build an
SMP box big enough for some of these things.
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