Re: [PATCH][2.4.21] orinoco_cs card reinsertion
From: Sebastian Reichelt
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 14:44:37 EST
> Can you please try 2.4.22? It contains orinoco changes including in
> the area you changed.
Sorry, 2.4.22 (from just hangs when I insert the card, after
the first of two beeps. Ctrl-Alt-Del doesn't work. No messages are
printed except the usual "cs: memory probe 0xa0000000-0xa0ffffff:
clean.", and syslog doesn't seem to have been flushed (it's cut off at
a higher position).
One thing I noticed from syslog is that the socket is assigned another
IRQ: 5 instead of 9.
Sebastian Reichelt
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