Re: Use of AI for process scheduling
From: Timothy Miller
Date: Mon Sep 08 2003 - 19:03:06 EST
William Lee Irwin III wrote:
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 03:57:49PM -0700, William Lee Irwin III wrote:
Show me the code.
On Mon, Sep 08, 2003 at 04:06:21PM -0700, Mike Fedyk wrote:
I think he's working on a draft, not implementation.
Any chance we'll see any code from you (or the group you seem to be trying
to build) Tim?
Worse than useless unless backed by code. We have enough managers already.
Your hostility is misplaced. I have been participating in discussions
of a number of things for a while now, and if you've paid attention,
mostly what I do is discuss ideas. I'm more of a lurker than a hacker.
I do intend to get into kernel hacking, but I have decided,
particularly with my limited free time, that it would be best to watch
and learn before blindly diving into kernel development. In the time
I've been on LKML, I've learned a great deal about the Linux culture
which has direct bearing on how one goes about doing just about any kind
of kernel hacking. At least as I see it, the social aspect is as
important as actual coding. The definition of Free Software is
something which is shared, and sharing is social.
As for the idea I suggested, I don't expect some other person to "run
with it", although I'd be delighted if someone did.
I proposed the idea in order to get people's thoughts on it. If, for
instance, enough people had logical reasons why it was a _bad_idea_,
then I would drop it before writing a line of code.
Don't you ever discuss your ideas with anyone before writing code? I
do. I'm reasonably intelligent, but not arrogant enough to think that I
always know the right thing to do before bouncing ideas off of other
intelligent people. Perhaps it is not your style, but it is my style to
begin discussing ideas very early in development.
Are we on the same page here? If it's generally agreed that a
kernel-related discussion is "off topic" unless code is involved, then
I'll shut up and go work on the code in silence until I have something.
But keep in mind that this is a purely academic (in both meanings)
issue until we can interface it with some real kernel scheduler code.
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