Re: 2.4.20 NFS / EJUKEBOX problem
From: Trond Myklebust
Date: Wed Sep 17 2003 - 17:39:12 EST
>>>>> " " == Paul N <Paul> writes:
> Hi, I'm seeing a weird problem with NFSv3's EJUKEBOX when
> mounting a irix machine running DMF (software for managing
> offline/tape copies of files). When an NFS read request is
> made for an 'offline' file it causes other write requests to
> stall until the 'offline' file is unmigrated to
> disk and the read can resume. From looking at tcpdump it seems
> that the write requests proceed until
> an EJUKEBOX msg from the read is returned from the server. At
> that point all write requests are stuck behind the jukeboxed
> read. Could someone please give me some information on this?
The writes are probably waiting in 'nfs_try_to_free_pages()' because
you are hitting the hard limit on outstanding read/write requests.
The NFS code is not allowed to allocate more than MAX_REQUEST_HARD
requests per mountpoint at any time since there is otherwise no way
for the VM to notify us in case of resource starvation.
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