RE: 2.4.22-ac1 -- loading of usb-uhci gives hard lockup
From: juan . carlos
Date: Mon Sep 22 2003 - 09:16:55 EST
Hello, I tried the patch you wrote (and noticed it is now in 2.4.22-ac3)
but I still have the same hard lockup Pawel Dziekonski has -- and, like
him, everything works when I don't compile ACPI into the kernel. My mobo is
a Soyo K7VTA-PRO, Athlon 950 Mhz, chipset VIA82Csomething.
Is there a piece of information I could send you that would help (BIOS
settings, /proc listings)? Please CC to me at j[CUBAN-DICTATOR'S-SURNAME], I'm not subscribed to LKML (but could be since I'm getting
broadband today. Yay!) :)
Cheers all,
Juan Carlos Castro y Castro
VIVO - Diretoria de Processos de Negócio - Projetos
Tel.: 55 (21) 2574-3506 - Cel.: 55 (21) 9603-7440
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