Kernel Memory Issues (2.6 and later)
From: Nico Schottelius
Date: Thu Oct 09 2003 - 16:48:58 EST
Once again I have to report: Linux 2.6 seems to have problems managing
After working on a laptop system (with Mozilla, X 4.3.99, Opera, 4xterms)
for some hours the system becomes very slow.
It looks like the system has no memery left, partly programs get
killed (Out of Memory) although there is plenty memory left.
I tried to kill processes to see whether one processes has a memory leak,
but that's not the case.
I even tried to kill all processes and restart everything (with sysrg+k)
but this didn't show any success.
Any ideas where the problem is?
ps: please CC me again, not subscribed.
quote: there are two time a day you should do nothing: before 12 and after 12
(Nico Schottelius after writin' a very senseless email)
cmd: echo God bless America | sed 's/.*\(A.*\)$/Why \1?/'
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