Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] Re: FBDEV 2.6.0-test7 updates.
From: Carlo E. Prelz
Date: Thu Oct 16 2003 - 05:52:00 EST
Subject: Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] Re: FBDEV 2.6.0-test7 updates.
Date: gio, ott 16, 2003 at 12:41:32 +0200
Quoting Benjamin Herrenschmidt (benh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx):
> I think it's an older version that James included as the current one
> has support for the 9200. I'm still updating it very regulary as it's
> not considered as "finished" work yet :) Though testing is welcome,
> I try to keep it working at any stage.
The version I am using *has* support for the 9200, but only recognizes
a PCI id of 5960, and my card has 5964. Thus I added the PCI id and
the card is eventually recognized as a 9200. Details are in the first
message I sent to the list.
Anyway, I now have to leave. I will try to dedicate some time to this
again tomorrow morning. I will try the rsync access.
* Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da parte,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz - fluido@xxxxxxxxx che bisogno ci sarebbe
* di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? (Chuang-Tzu)
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