Re: Full specifications available for RealTek 8180 wireless chipset
From: roberto
Date: Thu Oct 16 2003 - 07:52:19 EST
Who told you the document is stolen?
I received it *officially* from RealTek's support people.
Nevetheless, since you seem to imply that people inside RealTek might "leak"
this document against the orders of their hierarchy, I am removing it, and
I will only put it back online, and reannounce it, when I have _written_
authorization from their headquarters, instead of just a mail.
Thanks for casting doubt on the honesty and reliability of RealTek's
employees, something I would never have imagined before your post
--Roberto Di Cosmo
>>>>> "Jeff" == Jeff Garzik <jgarzik@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
Jeff> Roberto Di Cosmo wrote:
>> Having experienced a large set of delusions using the closed source
>> drivers for the RealTek 8180 wireless chipset available on RealTek web
>> site on a stock kernel 2.4.20, that do confirm the posting of
>> fedor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx on September 11 2003 about kernel freeze with
>> stock 2.4.22, I politely complained with RealTek, suggesting they open
>> the code or release the chipset specifications to the community.
>> I received today the full chipset specifications, that I uploaded to
>> I hope this may help, if somebody is willing to undertake writing a real,
>> full fledged, Linux-quality driver for this chipset.
>> Sorry for not being able to do this myself.
Jeff> Having announced this to thousands of people -- including RealTek
Jeff> subscribers, no doubt -- you have poisoned any effort to write a
Jeff> driver off this obviously-stolen document.
Jeff> I hope others learn from your example, of what NOT to do.
Jeff> Thanks for damaging my efforts to work on this through RealTek,
Jeff> Jeff
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