Nick Piggin wrote:
Jeffrey E. Hundstad wrote:
I'm using Debian unstable. It comes with XFree86 Vesrion This works fine with linux-2.4.22. I've been using this configuration with accelerated 3d apps. With linux-2.6.0-test9 X works fine until a 3d application such as glxgears starts. The screen no longer updates except that you can move the cursor. The logs do not indicate failure. I can't get the screen back without a reboot. I can connect via. the network to do analysis if someone wants to give me a clue what to look for.
renice 0 `pidof X`
How does it go with X at default priority?
The priority was set at -10.
After setting the priority to 0 as you suggest nothing changes.
frame appears,
screen hangs.
I can move the cursor around, but this gets boring fast ;-)