Re: Things that Longhorn seems to be doing right
From: Joseph Pingenot
Date: Wed Oct 29 2003 - 22:17:27 EST
>From Bernd Eckenfels on Thursday, 30 October, 2003:
>In article <20031030013418.GD3094@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> you wrote:
>> I don't see any reason why we *shouldn't* look at the problem and try to
>> do it. What reasons do you see for not persuing the problem to its
>> inevitible implementation?
>Just do it. :)
Hee hee. The Other Shoe Drops. This ought to be written down as
Some-and-Such's Law: All Open Source Debates Will Continue Until Someone
Tells Someone Else to Shut Up and Code It. ;)
Actually, I'm highly, highly tempted. Only problem is that I have a
ton of other projects that require my attention. If someone wants to
fight the CAP server and collaboration battles, I will. Otherwise,
it'll have to wait until after I finish the projects I currently have
on the table. :/
Or maybe if someone will get my professors off my back (and fill my brain
with the material so that I don't need to learn QM or E&M) ;) Aaah,
my good friend Jackson....
"Asked by CollabNet CTO Brian Behlendorf whether Microsoft will enforce its
patents against open source projects, Mundie replied, 'Yes, absolutely.'
An audience member pointed out that many open source projects aren't
funded and so can't afford legal representation to rival Microsoft's. 'Oh
well,' said Mundie. 'Get your money, and let's go to court.'
Microsoft's patents only defensive?
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