Re: [Linux-fbdev-devel] Re: [FBDEV UPDATE] Newer patch.
From: Carlo E. Prelz
Date: Thu Oct 30 2003 - 18:09:36 EST
Subject: [Linux-fbdev-devel] Re: [FBDEV UPDATE] Newer patch.
Date: gio, ott 30, 2003 at 06:38:46 +0000
Quoting James Simmons (jsimmons@xxxxxxxxxxxxx):
> I have fixed the problems you have reported. I have a newer patch. Note
> this is updated with the LCD support. I like to see if the patch works on
> sparc. I has updates from the latest 2.4.X kernels. Please give it a try.
> Let me know the results.
Thanks for integrating Ben's radeon stuff. But I have bad news.
I got a fresh 2.6.0test9 and patched it with your patch. First,
radeonfb_setup was missing from radeon_base.c, while it was declared
in fbmem.c. I applied the patch that was contributed to the list by
Javier Villavicencio a few days ago. Thus, I had a good compile. I
have video=radeonfb:1280x1024-32@75 set in my lilo.conf file.
At reboot, my LCD screen complained about bad frequencies: 50.9 kHz
horizontal, and 43.7 Hz vertical. Normal frequencies with the above
settings are 80kHz and 75Hz. Passing 1280x1024-32@60 instead of
1280x1024-32@75 did not change the generated frequencies, so it seems
that interpretation of the mode line is not OK.
I plugged in an old CRT monitor, and I could see a normal screen. But
when starting X (set up with Option "UseFBDev" "true"), the LCD
monitor became happy of the frequency that it received but was frozen
with a garbled screen. And the keyboard was dead. I logged in remotely
and found out that the X executable was hanging and could not be
killed. Reboot was needed.
I can run at 1280x1024-32@75 with 2.6.0test7 with the original patches
from Ben (actually, using the whole kernel tree that he suggested I
should use, gotten via rsync). And X works OK in FB mode with his
kernel. With proper OpenGL acceleration.
All this with a radeon 9200 card. More info upon request...
* Se la Strada e la sua Virtu' non fossero state messe da parte,
* K * Carlo E. Prelz - fluido@xxxxxxxxx che bisogno ci sarebbe
* di parlare tanto di amore e di rettitudine? (Chuang-Tzu)
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