Re: Suspend and AGP in 2.6.0-test9

From: Dave Jones
Date: Mon Nov 03 2003 - 08:31:14 EST

On Mon, Nov 03, 2003 at 01:34:41PM +0100, Maciej Freudenheim wrote:

> So, my question is - is it known (and not fixable :) bug or it's
> something weird and shouldn't happen ? As fair as I googled for similar
> problems I have found that people usually have problems with DRI, it looks
> like agp works ok for most of them :) However, on my laptop disabling
> DRI doesn't help.

Suspend/Resume code in agpgart is virtually non-existant.
I've not had chance to try suspend recently, but when I last looked
at it, it wasn't in a state that made debugging particularly easy.
(It's hard to see if you got things right, if it won't resume for eg).
I've not had chance to try it again more recently. It's possible
the various changes that have gone on over the last month or so have
improved the situation somewhat.


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