Re: reiserfs 3.6 problem with test9
From: Samium Gromoff
Date: Wed Nov 12 2003 - 11:12:51 EST
> > Last time I had a box with similar problems it was memory. I'd put
> > your system through a memtest.
> thanks for your answer.
> I did as you said but no problem (memtest 3.0).
For how long did you run the test?
It is known that often a 24-hour memtest is not enough to find real world
memory failures.
Also it is known that gcc (yeah you`ll wonder) is much better at finding them,
so there`s the question: do you compile stuff often, and if so, whether
gcc bails out with "internal error" messages sometimes?
Also, if i were you i would do the following:
bash-2.05b$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=test bs=1048576 count=1024
bash-2.05b$ bzip2 test
bash-2.05b$ bunzip2 test.bz2
And if you have a memory failure bzip2 checksumming would show that up on the
bunzip2 stage.
regards, Samium Gromoff
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