Re: Via KT600 support?
From: Ruth Ivimey-Cook
Date: Wed Nov 12 2003 - 18:01:44 EST
Joe Harrington wrote:
Yes, thanks, I did that before I posted. The problem exists with both
the original BIOS (1004) and the latest (1005).
Is anyone aware of similar problems with other manufacturers' KT600
boards that were fixed in recent BIOS updates? Perhaps Asus has a
BIOS bug they haven't fixed yet.
By the way, I also underclocked both the CPU and the memory as far
down as they would go, just to check, and the problem persisted.
I have an A7V600 too, with a Athlon 2100+. I found that the 2.4 kernel
support (2.4.20 ... 22) was not up to it also, and switched to try the
2.6.0-t9 kernel; this has, so far, proved fairly stable, with the
exception of a might_sleep problem on the plug-in PCI IEEE1394 card I have.
I noticed that, with 2.4, the kernel was treating the KT600 chipset as a
KT400 chipset: I don't know if this has changed in later editions of
2.4, but it seemed to be an undesireable thing to do, which partly
prompted my shift to 2.6
I too tried updating the BIOS to 1005; it does seem to fix a power-up
problem (originally the BIOS would sometimes claim that a hardware fault
had happened which hadn't hapened) but there still seem to be issues
with the SATA ports: drives on them are never listed in the BIOS boot
sequence, and unless I do a cold-boot (i.e. cable-unplugged, not just
'off') the SATA drives aren't visible at all to the BIOS or to Linux.
One of these days I'll get around to filing a bug report about the SATA
stuff with ASUS. Should it make a difference, the drives I@m using are
Seagate 7200.7 120GB/8MB.
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