Re: 2 TB partition support
From: Bernd Schubert
Date: Fri Nov 14 2003 - 12:16:18 EST
> On unpatched 2.4, the limit (depending on your driver) for a single
> block device is either 2TB-1k or 1TB - 512b.
> The 2.4 kernel keeps the block device sizes in an unsigned int, in 1k
> units, so the maximum size is (2^32-1)*1k.
> I forget which subsystem does it,but one of them tries to keep the
> capacity of a disc in an unsigned int in 512byte units; if you're using
> that subsystem, the macimum size you can use is (2^31-1)*512b
Hello Peter,
thanks for your help. Which driver doest this 2TB or 1TB-maximum blocksize
size depend on?
If we could get 2TB-1k, it would be great, since our raid will be 2.1TB and we
plan to hardware-split it into 300MB+1800MB (hardware ide/scsi-system).
Thanks again,
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