Re: Terrible interactivity with 2.6.0-t9-mm3
From: Prakash K. Cheemplavam
Date: Sun Nov 16 2003 - 15:21:52 EST
CaT wrote:
> I just noticed major interactivity problems whilst ogging one of my
> Doh. :/ This is the first time this has been so bad that I've felt
> it was worth writing about. :/
Yup, I was using a patched mm3 so I wanted to try the plain one, but due
to your post, I can conclude it really is mm3 which is really bad. I
noticed this as well. Using Nick's CPU scheduler things are not thaaat
bad, but still far from mm2. I think there is some major problem
introduced to mm3. Without Nicks patch doing an emerge/compiling, even
my mouse heavily stutters like hell, regradless of the used io
scheduler. With Nick's patch the mouse is rather OK, but the rest if the
system is still not really usable. It is not a HD problem...
Going back to mm2 (patched mm2) and everything it fine again.
Athlon XP 1900MHz
NFORCE2 Chipset
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