[ANNOUNCE] cuecat serio driver for linux 2.6.0-test9
From: Zinx Verituse
Date: Wed Nov 19 2003 - 20:46:08 EST
Well, my cuecat driver is ready for testing.
It does not use the same output format as the driver floating around
for 2.2.x/2.4.x kernels.
It currently requires a patch which changes the order serio drivers
are searched in (the newest driver is searched first now), and adds
a function to walk through the serio port list.
I'm hoping the patch will be included in to the kernel at some point
in time -- It's available separately at:
The driver has some pitfalls, such as standing between -all- serio
devices capable of supporting a cuecat, and not just the ones with
a cuecat on them (And it has no way to specify which ports to use),
but hopefully I'll think of a good way to fix that before 0.0.3.
The major number is dynamicly allocated -- If you aren't using devfs,
check /proc/devices.
The minor number for reading all cuecats is 0, and the minor number
for individual cuecats is their [driver-assigned] index plus 1.
Recommended names are:
and so on.
Questions, comments, patches, and even some flames are welcome.
Zinx Verituse
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