Re: ramdisk contents lost with 2.6
From: Andrew Morton
Date: Mon Nov 24 2003 - 15:08:50 EST
Olaf Hering <olh@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Good morning,
> is it only me or is the file really gone with 2.6?
> umount -v /mnt
> /sbin/mkfs.ext2 /dev/ram3
> mount -v /dev/ram3 /mnt
> cp /etc/hosts /mnt
> sync
> umount -v /mnt
> mount -v /dev/ram3 /mnt
> ls -l /mnt/hosts
> umount -v /mnt
> works ok with 2.4.
Yup. Because the kernel considers the ramdisk as being "memory backed" it
doesn't do writeback into the blockdev pagecache. If you remove the
memory-backed flag, ramdisk contributes to dirty memory in undesirable
ways. That memory-backed flag is too overloaded and needs to be split up.
It's something I need to fix, but nobody seemed to be hurting from it up to
now so I figured it could wait until after 2.6.0.
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