Re: wake_up_interruptible problem
From: Richard B. Johnson
Date: Mon Dec 01 2003 - 11:41:57 EST
On -1 xxx -1, Juergen Oberhofer wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to implement a timer, which on each timer interrupt wakes up
> every process that got blocked by a read call.
> My problem is the following: if I'm insmod'ing the module (I've attached the
> file) the execution gets
> blocked on the wake_up_interruptible(&timer_queue); call. If I'm
> uncommenting this line everything
> goes smooth and the timer counts without problems. Does somebody have a
> hint? Some ideas?
> Regards
> Juergen
Well you don't provide enough code to actually compile NotGood(tm).
I would guess that you failed to do:
... in your initialization code, so wake_up_interruptible() is
waiting forever...... Look at the drivers provided in the
kernel source. All the initialization stuff is mandatory.
Dick Johnson
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