Re: 2.4.23 includes Andrea's VM?
From: Stephan von Krawczynski
Date: Sat Dec 06 2003 - 08:38:26 EST
On Wed, 3 Dec 2003 19:37:19 +0100
Andrea Arcangeli <andrea@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 03, 2003 at 09:51:36AM -0500, Ian Soboroff wrote:
> >
> > I have a machine with 12GB of RAM, and I've been running a 2.4.22-era
> > kernel with Andrea's patches on it, otherwise it dies from lack of
> > lowmem.
> >
> > The latest -aa patch is for 2.4.23-pre6, but I see in the 2.4.23
> > Changelog that at least some bits of Andrea's VM were merged. Should
> > I be able to run a vanilla 2.4.23 on this box?
> It's probably going to work an order of magnitude better thanks
> especially to the lower_zone_reserve algorithm.
> However I'd still recommend to use my tree, the last two critical bits
> you need from my tree are inode-highmem and related_bhs. Those two are
> still missing, and you probably need them with 12G.
> I'm going to release a 2.4.23aa1 btw, that will be the last 2.4-aa.
Let us try these please and have them (at last) included in mainline. Thanks
for your continous work.
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