Re: may be silly question..
From: Bob Chiodini
Date: Tue Dec 09 2003 - 07:25:10 EST
On Tue, 2003-12-09 at 05:29, neel vanan wrote:
> Hi folks,
> currently, i am running RedHat9.0 kernel 2.4.20-8 on
> my SMP server machine with 4GB of RAM, Now i am trying
> to upgrade to ver 2.6.0-test11.I did the following
> steps.
> make bzImage
> make modules
> make modules_install
> mkinitrd
> cp bzImaze to /boot/
> when I reboot the machine I had the following error
> ......
> scsi: A:0:0: Tagged Queuing enabled. Depth 32
> SCSI device sda: 35843670 512-byte hdwr sectors (18352
> MB)
> SCSI device sda: drive cache write back
> sda: unknown partition table
> Attached scsi disk sda at scsi0, channel0, id0, lun0
> mounting /proc file system
> creating block devices
> creating Root devices
> Mounting root filesystem
> mount : erro 6 mounting ext3
> pivotroot : pivot_root (/sysroot, /sysroot/initrd)
> failed:2
> umount /initrd/proc failed :2
> freeing unused kernel memory : 464k freed
> Kernel panic: no init found. Try passing init= option
> to kernel
> Then the system seems to hang at this point
Just a thought: Try upgrading modutils, and mkinitrd. The Fedora
(Rawhide) versions should work. Fedora uses modutils-2.4.25-13 and
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