sisfb driver update (Was: Re: 2.4.23aa1 - scsi/pcmcia qlogic stilldoes not build (m))
From: Thomas Winischhofer
Date: Tue Dec 09 2003 - 10:24:26 EST
Eyal, Andrea,
> yes I've a 150k compressed updated driver from Thomas Winischhofer in
> my inbox for Marcelo that should fix those bugs (that would obsolete
> the non complete 00_sis-fpu-bugs-1), I thought it was merged in
> mainline but obviously not as 00_sis-fpu-bugs-1 wouldn't apply
> anymore. I guess Marcelo rejected it because it was very big and it
> wasn't fix the strict fpu bugs revealed by the -msoft-float, just
> guessing.
Yeah, I assume it was too big for pre9 stage at that time.
However, I have sent another update for the sisfb driver to Marcello for
inclusion in 2.4.24pre but the patch has not yet found its way into bk.
In the meantime, you can use the replacement driver from my website.
Thomas Winischhofer
thomas AT winischhofer DOT net ***
twini AT xfree86 DOT org
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