udev for dummies

From: J.A. Magallon
Date: Thu Dec 11 2003 - 17:17:10 EST

Hi all...

I am starting to use 2.6, and I really would like to use udev.
But I can't find a doc about how to move from taditional heavily
populated /dev to new method.

Any pointer ?

I have installed udev and hotplug utils, and have hotplug enabled in
As I undestand it, I should do now something like
- run udev for the first time, so it populates /udev
- check that basic dev files are there
- move /dev to /dev.old, and ln -s /udev /dev (or real-move it and
change udev.conf to write directly on /dev)

Or just create and empty /dev, and let hotplug call hotplug scripts
on boot which in turn call udev. Is this correct ? Will hotplug call
udev for the built-in drivers ?
Could it also work without hotplugging, ie, can I use udev to just
create a minimal /dev for my system ?

After installing udev, I run /sbin/udev and nothing appears on

What am I missing / misunderstanding ?


J.A. Magallon <jamagallon()able!es> \ Software is like sex:
werewolf!able!es \ It's better when it's free
Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Cooker) for i586
Linux 2.6.0-test11-jam1 (gcc 3.3.1 (Mandrake Linux 9.2 3.3.1-4mdk))
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