Re: RFC - tarball/patch server in BitKeeper

From: Tupshin Harper
Date: Mon Dec 15 2003 - 17:47:02 EST

Larry McVoy wrote:

You can grab all the patches you want from until you start
using those patches to populate another SCM system because at that point
you are using BK in violation of the BK license.

NO!!! In this case, you are not using bk, you are accessing information that is placed in a public place. If your argument were to hold any water, then people constrained from using bk due to any clause of the bkl could not access any information on The mere act of pointing their browser there would be a violation. Since these people are not able to agree to the bkl, they are not constrained by the restrictions of the bkl. The only effect is that they can *never* use bk.

Either browsing is a use of bk and non-licensed people can't use it, or it is is not a use of bk and none of the bkl restrictions apply. Can't have it both ways.

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