Re: 2.6-test11 framebuffer Matrox

From: Tomasz Torcz
Date: Sun Dec 21 2003 - 13:27:34 EST

On Sat, Dec 20, 2003 at 02:36:49AM -0500, Ed Sweetman wrote:
> But, what's really the point in using X with matroxfb? You lose half
> your memory off the bat that X cannot access and you get no added
> performance or anything. It really does not seem worth it. Use

32 MiB of videoram is more than enough.
And the point is: comfortable work in console (bigger resolution ->
more information on screen), sometimes even with small fbtv window
in corner. And ability to run browsers like mozilla in X, when
it's needed. And ability to watch movies with mplayer in both.

I don't understand why matroxfb has regressed in 2.6 compared to 2.4.

Tomasz Torcz RIP is irrevelant. Spoofing is futile.
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