Re: [ANNOUNCE] udev 011 release
From: J.A. Magallon
Date: Sat Dec 27 2003 - 21:08:37 EST
On 12.25, Greg KH wrote:
> I've released the 011 version of udev. It can be found at:
udev rc script reads:
# chkconfig: 2345 20 80
If it is supposed to create device nodes on an empty /dev, I think it should
be run at runlevel 1, or even run apart from normal initscripts, from rc or
the like ?
For example, on a Mandrake cooker box, rc2.d looks like
K05portsentry@ K35dhcpd@ K80gmond@ S12syslog@
K08lircmd@ K35lircd@ K80nscd@ S15gpm@
K09dm@ K44rawdevices@ K81ganglia-monitor-script@ S18sound@
K09smb@ K45named@ K86nfslock@ S20random@
K10devfsd@ K50xinetd@ K89portmap@ S20udev@
K10ntpd@ K54pxe@ K89upsmon@ S60cups@
K10xfs@ K60atd@ K90upsd@ S60nfs@
K15proftpd@ K60saslauthd@ K95harddrake@ S75keytable@
K20bootparamd@ K65identd@ S01hotplug@ S80postfix@
K20partmon@ K70acpi@ S03iptables@ S90crond@
K21bpmaster@ K70alsa@ S05lm_sensors@ S95kheader@
K25sshd@ K75netfs@ S05sensors@ S95microcode_ctl@
K35atalk@ K80gmetad@ S10network@ S99local@
This means that it will try to run, for example, gpm before the device for
the mouse is created (as I said, if you booted with an empty /dev you want
to populate with device nodes).
And a couple questions.
a) Should not ordering be reversed here:
if [ ! -d $udev_dir ]; then
mkdir $udev_dir
if [ ! -d $sysfs_dir ]; then
exit 1
If we have not /sys, there's no sense on creating /udev, so I would check first
for /sys.
b) What is the sense of removing devices when udev is stopped ? As I understand
it, udev is not 'running', it is just a command to create device nodes, called
by hotplug. What is more logical, chkconfig --level 12345 or --level 1 ?
One more reason to split it from normal init scripts.
J.A. Magallon <jamagallon()able!es> \ Software is like sex:
werewolf!able!es \ It's better when it's free
Mandrake Linux release 10.0 (Cooker) for i586
Linux 2.6.0-jam1 (gcc 3.3.2 (Mandrake Linux 10.0 3.3.2-3mdk))
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