Re: Can't mount USB partition as root
From: Jeff Chua
Date: Mon Dec 29 2003 - 11:50:08 EST
You'll need to load the usb modules using initrd ramdisk, then switch root
to the usb device to continue booting the system.
[ jchua@xxxxxxxxx ]
On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, [iso-8859-2] Karel Kulhavý wrote:
> Hello
> I tried to boot Linux 2.6.0 kernel with option root=/dev/sda1 using Grub.
> The kernel otherwise works, mounts the sda1 partition (XFS) OK.
> When I boot the kernel with root=/dev/sda1 instead of root=/dev/hda4,
> I get "can't mount root VFS, kernel panic" or something like that.
> Is it possible to boot kernel with root from /dev/sda1 (USB)?
> partition table: whole /dev/sda is one partition (sda1), type 83 (Linux).
> Tried also switching on and off hotplugging in kernel and it didn't help.
> Cl<
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