Re: speedtouch for 2.6.0

From: Duncan Sands
Date: Mon Dec 29 2003 - 12:06:43 EST

On Monday 29 December 2003 17:47, Guldo K wrote:
> Duncan Sands writes:
> > Hi Guldo, from your email I had understood that your setup worked under
> > 2.4. Is that right?
> It's not. I didn't tell you that my previous setup (2.4)
> was about the user driver, not the kernel one.
> > Anyway, the speedbundle (
> >
> > ) contains source code for an appropriate pppd + ATM library.
> Thanks.
> I tried to compile just ppp, but "make" resulted in:

Yeah, I was a bit brief :) Look in the top-level Makefile (in
speedbundle) to see how to compile. The easiest thing to
do though is probably to use the attached top-level Makefile,
which is the same as the current one except that it doesn't
compile the kernel module. I didn't test it but it should work.


all: build

configure: configure-stamp

build: configure-stamp build-stamp
# cd kernel_module && $(MAKE)
cd linux-atm/src/lib && $(MAKE)
cd ppp/pppd && $(MAKE)
cd ppp/pppd/plugins && $(MAKE) C_INCLUDE_PATH=../../../linux-atm/src/include LIBRARY_PATH=../../../linux-atm/src/lib/.libs
cd firmware && $(MAKE)
cd firmware_loader && $(MAKE)
cd hotplug_scripts && $(MAKE)
cd ppp_scripts && $(MAKE)
touch build-stamp

rm -f build-stamp configure-stamp
cd firmware && $(MAKE) clean
cd firmware_loader && $(MAKE) clean
cd hotplug_scripts && $(MAKE) clean
# cd kernel_module && $(MAKE) clean
cd linux-atm/src/lib && $(MAKE) clean
cd ppp/pppd/plugins && $(MAKE) clean
cd ppp/pppd && $(MAKE) clean
cd ppp_scripts && $(MAKE) clean

install: build
# cd kernel_module && $(MAKE) install
cd firmware && $(MAKE) install
cd firmware_loader && $(MAKE) modem_run
cd hotplug_scripts && $(MAKE) install
cd linux-atm/src/lib && $(MAKE) install
cd ppp/pppd && $(MAKE) install
cd ppp/pppd/plugins && $(MAKE) install
cd ppp_scripts && $(MAKE) install