Re: i18n for kernel 2.7.x?
From: Diego Calleja
Date: Fri Jan 02 2004 - 10:28:44 EST
El Fri, 2 Jan 2004 01:53:58 +0100 Xan <DXpublica@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> escribió:
> Well... if (all of) you think that....
> But, what happens with Documentation/ directory and README, COPYRIGHT, ... and
> WEB PAGE of the kernel?
> It's NOT so technically hard to do. Why not so?
People are already doing this for the help entries of the configure process: (in Spanish). This is just a patch
over the kernel. The 2.6 split of the configure files will help to coordinate
the efforts, it'd not be very difficult to include it as a "extra" package
in normal distributions. It's not complete of course...
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