RE: [RFC] Relaxed PIO read vs. DMA write ordering
From: Leonid Grossman
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 11:28:52 EST
> -----Original Message-----
> From: linux-kernel-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:linux-kernel-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
> Grant Grundler
> Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 10:38 PM
> To: Jesse Barnes
> Cc: linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; jeremy@xxxxxxx; Matthew
> Wilcox; linux-pci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;
> Jame.Bottomley@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [RFC] Relaxed PIO read vs. DMA write ordering
> On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 03:07:12PM -0800, Jesse Barnes wrote:
> > > If anyone has data that specific devices are "smart" and
> set/clear
> > > RO appropriately, it would be safe to enable RO for them.
> >
> > I don't know of any that do it automatically...
> ....maybe it would be better if more folks read the PCI-X
> spec. This quote is from v1.0a PCI-X Addendum to PCI Local
> Bus Spec, "Appendix 11 - Use Of Relaxed Ordering" (bottom of
> page 221):
> | In general, read and write transactions to or from I/O devices are
> | classified as payload or control. (PCI 2.2 Appendix E refers to
> | payload as Data and control as Flag and Status.) If the payload
> | traffic requires multiple data phases or multiple
> transactions, such
> | payload traffic rarely requires ordered transactions. That is, the
> | order in which the bytes of the payload arrive is
> inconsequential, if
> | they all arrive before the corresponding control traffic. However,
> | control traffic generally does require ordered transactions. I/O
> | devices that follow this programming model could use this
> distinction
> | to set the Relaxed Ordering attribute in hardware with no device
> | driver intervention.
> Read that last sentence again.
> It suggests using readb() variants are the wrong approach.
> | Such a device could set the Relaxed Ordering attribute bit for all
> | payload read and write transactions and not set the
> attribute for all
> | control read and write transactions. Other devices may want
> to provide
> | a means (beyond the scope of the PCI-X specification) for
> their device
> | driver to indicate when it is permissible to set the
> Relaxed Ordering
> | attribute. In all cases, no requester is allowed to set the Relaxed
> | Ordering attribute bit if the Enable Relaxed Ordering bit
> in the PCI-X
> | Command register is cleared.
> I interpret this to mean:
> Setting the RO bit in the PCI-X Command Register only enables
> the device to choose when to set RO Attribute bit when the device
> generates a PCI-X bus cycle.
Yes, this is exactly how (at least our 10GbE) PCI-X ASICs work.
If the RO bit is set, the device decides whether the transaction
requires strong ordering,
and sets RO attribute accordingly.
> My gut feeling is few PCI-X HW developers have had time or
> experience to get this right. Most will either ignore RO bit
> or always set it for all transactions. But that's just my
> speculation. Drivers writers for each device will have to
> know this and I suspect most won't care.
> Secondly, I've convinced myself RO bit can not be set per
> transaction (and only per device) by the host. I just re-read
> the first sentences in section "2.5. Attributes" (talks about
> PCI-X bus signalling):
> | Attributes are additional information included with each
> transaction
> | that further defines the transaction. The initiator of every
> | transaction drives attributes on the C/BE[3::0]# and
> AD[31::00] buses
> | in the attribute phase.
> The CPU does not directly generate transactions on the PCI-X
> bus. At least not in the current crop of CPUs. ergo we can
> only program the PCI-X bus controller before hand or alias
> address bits to be
> attributes (similar to cache/uncached address ranges on
> ia64). Is SN2 doing the latter for PCI-X MMIO reads?
> And is the read return transaction going to reflect the same
> attributes used for read request?
> > > On HP ZX1, the "Allow Relaxed Ordering" is only implemented for
> > > outbound DMA/PIO Writes *while they pass through the ZX1
> chip*. Ie
> > > RO bit settings don't explicitly apply since we aren't
> talking about
> > > PCI-X bus transactions even though the system chipset
> needs to honor
> > > PCI-X rules.
> >
> > So this wouldn't be helpful for your chipset then.
> Right. s/your/HP/. But HP has more than one chipset and I'm
> not that familiar with SX1000 chipset. Though I don't expect
> it supports anything different in this regard.
> > Ahh... that's a bit of a stretch of the definition of
> non-coherence I
> > think, but it might be close enough to use the sync semantics.
> Can you give a better definition of non-coherence?
> I'll defend the following (a variant of what I said before):
> Data written by the IO device is not visible to the CPU
> when the CPU expects the data to be visible.
> I'll assert SN2 is non-coherent with RO enabled.
> "mostly coherent" is probably the right level of fuzziness.
> But linux doesn't have a "mostly coherent" DMA API. :^)
> [ James (Bottomley) - I couldn't find a definition of "non-consistent
> memory machine" in DMA-ABI.txt. Was that intentional or could you
> include a variant of the above definition?
> I guess if one needed to include a definition, then the reader
> shouldn't be using the interfaces described in Part II.
> But this is a key distinction from DMA-mapping.txt. ]
> > Right, that's another option--adding a pci_sync_consistent() call.
> yes - something like this would be my preference mostly
> because it's less intrusive to the drivers, less confusing
> for driver writers, and can be a complete NOP on most platforms.
> BTW, Jesse, did you look at part II of Documentation/DMA-ABI.txt?
> thanks,
> grant
> -
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