Re: [OT] use of patented algorithms in the kernel ok or not?
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Mon Jan 12 2004 - 16:02:15 EST
> I know that equivalent code, which is covered by most if not all of
> the patents, is sold by some software companies to product developers
> _in the USA_ without prelicensed patents. The problem of acquiring
> suitable patent licenses is left to the purchasers.
> Rationally I would expect that if someone is able to sell code and
> leave the problem of patent licensing to the purchaser, then one
> should be able to _give away_ code and leave the problem of patent
> licensing to the recipient.
As far as I can see, it is okay to ignore patents *if
you are doing research*. So you should be able to offer
it to US people for research purposes.
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