Re: kernel 2.6.1: erroneous statistics in /proc/diskstats?
From: Jean-Luc Fontaine
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 08:16:34 EST
Hash: SHA1
Rick Lindsley wrote:
| I would like to make sure /proc/diskstats is reliable or if I am
| misunderstanding the significance of the milliseconds spent reading or
| writing figures.
| So far as I know, they are reliable but there always could be a bug.
| Note that it is legitimate for field 8 to be greater than the time
| elapsed, since it is the *total* time spent in *all* writes. If two write
| requests were issued simultaneously and each fulfilled simultaneously,
| taking exactly 10ms, you'd account for 20ms of "write I/O" even though
| only 10ms of time has passed.
| So, a few more details ...
| How big was it?
~ 700 Mbytes
| How did you copy it (what command)?
~ a simple cp
| Were you going through a file system or direct to disk?
~ from and to reiserfs
| One thing I notice is that your hdc shows 100+ "io's in progress" both
| at start and completion. It may be as simple as that counter is off.
| If there are IO's in progress when you start and they haven't finished
| by the time you end, then they will certainly add about 6 seconds of
| "write time" for each outstanding, apparently unfulfilled request.
| This alone could account for your extra time. Any theories on why that
| number is so large for hdc but quite small for hdb?
I did some more measurements, this time waiting after the copy operation
ended, as in my previous experiment, I was doing the measurements while
(fields: major minor name rio rmerge rsect ruse wio wmerge wsect wuse
~ running use aveq)
# date; egrep 'hdb|hdc' /proc/diskstats
# cp 700MBFile /mnt/hdc1/tmp/
Mon Jan 19 13:53:03 CET 2004
3 64 hdb 44653 197 685454 413847 17585 24405 336784 1631535 0 176727\
~ 2045781
3 65 hdb1 44846 685422 42098 336784
22 0 hdc 499 0 3960 60944 78 52 1040 84 0 2819 61028
22 1 hdc1 495 3928 130 1040
# date; egrep 'hdb|hdc' /proc/diskstats
Mon Jan 19 13:54:50 CET 2004
3 64 hdb 50822 197 2068046 489489 17786 24516 339280 1632095 0 246281\
~ 2121983
3 65 hdb1 51015 2068014 42410 339280
22 0 hdc 503 0 3992 61016 5111 140110 1161768 2494462 0 44692 2555478
22 1 hdc1 499 3960 145221 1161768
Clearly, wuse on hdc is still very large:
~ 2494462 - 84 = 2494378 ms = 2494 s
hdc use:
~ 44692 - 2819 = 41873 ms = 41.9 s
for a copy lasting 107 s, while ruse on hdb is correct:
~ 489489 - 413847 = 75642 ms = 75.6 s
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