Fwd: [ERR] [2.6][smbfs] smb_open & smb_readpage_sync errors in kernel log
From: Mike Fedyk
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 17:59:46 EST
Looks like someone has misconfigured this mail server...
It shouldn't be bouncing to everyone sending to the list, and the mailserver
should be looking at the Return-path: header.
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Subject: [ERR] [2.6][smbfs] smb_open & smb_readpage_sync errors in kernel log
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Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2004 10:44:35 -0800
From: Mike Fedyk <mfedyk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [2.6][smbfs] smb_open & smb_readpage_sync errors in kernel log
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I've been getting these error messages in my kernel forever, I think even
with 2.2 kernels, and it's still there in 2.6:
smb_open: config/SAM open failed, result=-26
smb_readpage_sync: config/SAM open failed, error=-26
It does this for several locked system files on the windows machines.
This happens during a find command run on the mounted share from one of my
scripts that compares file dates.
Can these printk calls be removed?
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