Re: Help port swsusp to ppc.

From: Hugang
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 08:21:47 EST

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 09:03:11 +1100
Benjamin Herrenschmidt <benh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 04:56, Nigel Cunningham wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > On Tue, 2004-01-20 at 00:39, Benjamin Herrenschmidt wrote:
> > > I see no reason why this would be needed on ppc, only the last
> > > step, that is the actual CPU state save, should matter.
> >
> > Besides saving the CPU state, the code copies the original kernel
> > back. It sort of defeats the purpose to remove that code :>

Attached file is current version of port swsusp to ppc, STILL can not
works, Benjamin, gave me some comments.

I has add one files swsusp2-asm.S. The save/restore processor state base
on pmac_sleep.S. The copybackup is copy from gcc generate assmeble.

Now the suspend has no problem, resume can not works, strange.

Hu Gang / Steve
Linux Registered User 204016
GPG Public Key:
Index: linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/Kconfig
--- linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/Kconfig (revision 192)
+++ linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/Kconfig (working copy)
@@ -193,6 +193,8 @@

If in doubt, say Y here.

+source kernel/power/Kconfig
source arch/ppc/platforms/4xx/Kconfig

config PPC64BRIDGE
@@ -681,6 +683,7 @@

config NR_CPUS
int "Maximum number of CPUs (2-32)"
+ range 2 32
depends on SMP
default "4"

Index: linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/swsusp2-asm.S
--- linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/swsusp2-asm.S (revision 0)
+++ linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/swsusp2-asm.S (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <asm/processor.h>
+#include <asm/page.h>
+#include <asm/ppc_asm.h>
+#include <asm/cputable.h>
+#include <asm/cache.h>
+#include <asm/thread_info.h>
+#include <asm/offsets.h>
+ * Structure for storing CPU registers on the stack.
+ */
+#define SL_SP 0
+#define SL_PC 4
+#define SL_MSR 8
+#define SL_SDR1 0xc
+#define SL_SPRG0 0x10 /* 4 sprg's */
+#define SL_DBAT0 0x20
+#define SL_IBAT0 0x28
+#define SL_DBAT1 0x30
+#define SL_IBAT1 0x38
+#define SL_DBAT2 0x40
+#define SL_IBAT2 0x48
+#define SL_DBAT3 0x50
+#define SL_IBAT3 0x58
+#define SL_TB 0x60
+#define SL_R2 0x68
+#define SL_CR 0x6c
+#define SL_R12 0x70 /* r12 to r31 */
+#define SL_SIZE (SL_R12 + 80)
+ .section .text
+ .align 5
+ cmpwi 0,r3,0
+ bc 4,2,.L3627
+ mflr r0
+ stw r0,4(r1)
+ stwu r1,-SL_SIZE(r1)
+ mfcr r0
+ stw r0,SL_CR(r1)
+ stw r2,SL_R2(r1)
+ stmw r12,SL_R12(r1)
+ bl do_swsusp2_suspend_1
+ stw r0,SL_PC(r1) /* saving r0 */
+ mfcr r0 /* move from condition register to r0 */
+ stw r0,SL_CR(r1)
+ stw r2,SL_R2(r1)
+ stmw r12,SL_R12(r1)
+ /* Save MSR & SDR1 */
+ mfmsr r4
+ stw r4,SL_MSR(r1)
+ mfsdr1 r4
+ stw r4,SL_SDR1(r1)
+ /* Get a stable timebase and save it */
+1: mftbu r4
+ stw r4,SL_TB(r1)
+ mftb r5
+ stw r5,SL_TB+4(r1)
+ mftbu r3
+ cmpw r3,r4
+ bne 1b
+ /* Save SPRGs */
+ mfsprg r4,0
+ stw r4,SL_SPRG0(r1)
+ mfsprg r4,1
+ stw r4,SL_SPRG0+4(r1)
+ mfsprg r4,2
+ stw r4,SL_SPRG0+8(r1)
+ mfsprg r4,3
+ stw r4,SL_SPRG0+12(r1)
+ /* Save BATs */
+ mfdbatu r4,0
+ stw r4,SL_DBAT0(r1)
+ mfdbatl r4,0
+ stw r4,SL_DBAT0+4(r1)
+ mfdbatu r4,1
+ stw r4,SL_DBAT1(r1)
+ mfdbatl r4,1
+ stw r4,SL_DBAT1+4(r1)
+ mfdbatu r4,2
+ stw r4,SL_DBAT2(r1)
+ mfdbatl r4,2
+ stw r4,SL_DBAT2+4(r1)
+ mfdbatu r4,3
+ stw r4,SL_DBAT3(r1)
+ mfdbatl r4,3
+ stw r4,SL_DBAT3+4(r1)
+ mfibatu r4,0
+ stw r4,SL_IBAT0(r1)
+ mfibatl r4,0
+ stw r4,SL_IBAT0+4(r1)
+ mfibatu r4,1
+ stw r4,SL_IBAT1(r1)
+ mfibatl r4,1
+ stw r4,SL_IBAT1+4(r1)
+ mfibatu r4,2
+ stw r4,SL_IBAT2(r1)
+ mfibatl r4,2
+ stw r4,SL_IBAT2+4(r1)
+ mfibatu r4,3
+ stw r4,SL_IBAT3(r1)
+ mfibatl r4,3
+ stw r4,SL_IBAT3+4(r1)
+ /* get r1 physical ptr */
+ tophys(r5,r1)
+ addi r5,r5,SL_PC
+ /* save storage ptr */
+ lis r3,pm_sleep_storage@ha
+ addi r3,r3,pm_sleep_storage@l
+ stw r5,0(r3)
+ /* Backup various CPU configs stuffs */
+ bl __save_cpu_setup
+ bl do_swsusp2_suspend_2
+ b restore_stack
+ bl do_swsusp2_resume_1
+ lis r9,swsusp_action@ha
+ lwz r0,swsusp_action@l(r9)
+ lis r11,swsusp_debug_state@ha
+ lis r9,state1@ha
+ stw r0,state1@l(r9)
+ lwz r8,swsusp_debug_state@l(r11)
+ lis r10,console_printk@ha
+ lis r9,state2@ha
+ lis r11,pagedir_resume@ha
+ stw r8,state2@l(r9)
+ la r11,pagedir_resume@l(r11)
+ lwz r0,console_printk@l(r10)
+ lwz r5,12(r11)
+ lis r9,state3@ha
+ stw r0,state3@l(r9)
+ lwz r10,0(r5)
+ lwz r4,56(r11)
+ lis r9,origoffset@ha
+ stw r10,origoffset@l(r9)
+ lwz r0,0(r4)
+ lis r11,copyoffset@ha
+ stw r0,copyoffset@l(r11)
+ lwz r10,origoffset@l(r9)
+ lwz r8,copyoffset@l(r11)
+ slwi r9,r10,r2
+ slwi r11,r8,r2
+ add r9,r9,r10
+ add r11,r11,8
+ lis r0,0xcccc
+ ori r0,r0,52429
+ slwi r9,r9,r3
+ slwi r11,r11,r3
+ mullw r11,r11,r0
+ mullw r9,r9,r0
+ slwi r11,r11,r9
+ slwi r9,r9,r9
+ cmpwi r0,r5,r0
+ addis r9,r9,0xc000
+ addis r11,r11,0xc000
+ lis r7,origrange@ha
+ lis r6,copyrange@ha
+ lis r10,origpage@ha
+ lis r8,copypage@ha
+ lis r24,origrange@ha
+ lis r25,copyrange@ha
+ lis r12,origoffset@ha
+ lis r3,copyoffset@ha
+ stw r9,origpage@l(r10)
+ stw r11,copypage@l(r8)
+ stw r5,origrange@l(r7)
+ stw r4,copyrange@l(r6)
+ bc r12,r2,.L3646
+ lis r4,0xcccc
+ lis r28,loop@ha
+ lis r26,origoffset@ha
+ lis r29,origrange@ha
+ lis r30,origpage@ha
+ ori r4,r4,52429
+ lis r27,copyoffset@ha
+ lis r31,copypage@ha
+ li r0,r0
+ stw r0,loop@l(r28)
+ lwz r9,loop@l(r28)
+ cmplwi r0,r9,1023
+ bc r12,r1,.L3637
+ lis r7,loop@ha
+ lis r5,origpage@ha
+ lis r6,copypage@ha
+ lwz r8,loop@l(r7)
+ lwz r9,loop@l(r7)
+ lwz r11,copypage@l(r6)
+ slwi r9,r9,r2
+ lwzx r0,r9,r11
+ lwz r10,origpage@l(r5)
+ slwi r8,r8,r2
+ stwx r0,r8,r10
+ lwz r9,loop@l(r7)
+ addi r9,r9,r1
+ stw r9,loop@l(r7)
+ lwz r0,loop@l(r7)
+ cmplwi r0,r0,1023
+ bc r4,r1,.L3635
+ lwz r11,origrange@l(r29)
+ lwz r9,origoffset@l(r26)
+ lwz r0,4(r11)
+ cmplw r0,r9,r0
+ bc r4,r0,.L3638
+ lwz r9,origoffset@l(r12)
+ lwz r11,origpage@l(r30)
+ addi r9,r9,r1
+ addi r11,r11,4096
+ stw r9,origoffset@l(r12)
+ stw r11,origpage@l(r30)
+ b .L3639
+ lwz r9,8(r11)
+ cmpwi r0,r9,r0
+ stw r9,origrange@l(r24)
+ bc r12,r2,.L3639
+ lwz r9,0(r9)
+ stw r9,origoffset@l(r12)
+ lwz r0,origoffset@l(r12)
+ slwi r9,r0,r2
+ add r9,r9,r0
+ slwi r9,r9,r3
+ mullw r9,r9,r4
+ slwi r9,r9,r9
+ addis r9,r9,0xc000
+ stw r9,origpage@l(r30)
+ lis r9,copyrange@ha
+ lwz r9,copyrange@l(r9)
+ lwz r11,copyoffset@l(r27)
+ lwz r0,4(r9)
+ cmplw r0,r11,r0
+ bc r4,r0,.L3642
+ lwz r9,copyoffset@l(r3)
+ lwz r11,copypage@l(r31)
+ addi r9,r9,r1
+ addi r11,r11,4096
+ stw r9,copyoffset@l(r3)
+ stw r11,copypage@l(r31)
+ b .L3630
+ lwz r9,r8(r9)
+ cmpwi r0,r9,r0
+ stw r9,copyrange@l(r25)
+ bc r12,r2,.L3630
+ lwz r9,0(r9)
+ stw r9,copyoffset@l(r3)
+ lwz r0,copyoffset@l(r3)
+ slwi r9,r0,r2
+ add r9,r9,r0
+ slwi r9,r9,r3
+ mullw r9,r9,r4
+ slwi r9,r9,r9
+ addis r9,r9,0xc000
+ stw 9,copypage@l(r31)
+ lwz r0,origrange@l(r29)
+ cmpwi r0,r0,r0
+ bc r4,r2,.L3632
+ lis r9,state1@ha
+ lwz r7,state1@l(r9)
+ lis r11,state2@ha
+ lwz r8,state2@l(r11)
+ lis r9,state3@ha
+ lwz r0,state3@l(r9)
+ lis r11,swsusp_action@ha
+ lis r9,swsusp_debug_state@ha
+ lis r10,console_printk@ha
+ stw r7,swsusp_action@l(r11)
+ stw r8,swsusp_debug_state@l(r9)
+ stw r0,console_printk@l(r10)
+#if 0
+ bl pm_turn_off_mmu
+ mfmsr r3
+ andi. r0,r3,MSR_DR|MSR_IR /* MMU enabled? */
+ beqlr
+ andc r3,r3,r0
+ mtspr SRR0,r4
+ mtspr SRR1,r3
+ sync
+#if 1
+ /* Turn off data relocation. */
+ mfmsr r3 /* Save MSR in r7 */
+ rlwinm r3,r3,0,28,26 /* Turn off DR bit */
+ sync
+ mtmsr r3
+ isync
+ /* Make sure HID0 no longer contains any sleep bit */
+ mfspr r3,HID0
+ rlwinm r3,r3,0,11,7 /* clear SLEEP, NAP, DOZE bits */
+ mtspr HID0,r3
+ sync
+ isync
+ /* Won't that cause problems on CPU that doesn't support it ? */
+ lis r3, 0
+ mtspr SPRN_MMCR0, r3
+ /* sanitize MSR */
+ mfmsr r3
+ ori r3,r3,MSR_EE|MSR_IP
+ xori r3,r3,MSR_EE|MSR_IP
+ sync
+ isync
+ mtmsr r3
+ sync
+ isync
+ /* Recover sleep storage */
+ lis r3,pm_sleep_storage@ha
+ addi r3,r3,pm_sleep_storage@l
+ tophys(r3,r3)
+ lwz r1,0(r3)
+ /* Invalidate & enable L1 cache, we don't care about
+ * whatever the ROM may have tried to write to memory
+ */
+ bl __inval_enable_L1
+ /* Restore the kernel's segment registers before
+ * we do any r1 memory access as we are not sure they
+ * are in a sane state above the first 256Mb region
+ */
+ li r0,16 /* load up segment register values */
+ mtctr r0 /* for context 0 */
+ lis r3,0x2000 /* Ku = 1, VSID = 0 */
+ li r4,0
+3: mtsrin r3,r4
+ addi r3,r3,0x111 /* increment VSID */
+ addis r4,r4,0x1000 /* address of next segment */
+ bdnz 3b
+ sync
+ isync
+ subi r1,r1,SL_PC
+ /* Restore various CPU config stuffs */
+ bl __restore_cpu_setup
+ /* Restore the BATs, and SDR1. Then we can turn on the MMU. */
+ lwz r4,SL_SDR1(r1)
+ mtsdr1 r4
+ lwz r4,SL_SPRG0(r1)
+ mtsprg 0,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_SPRG0+4(r1)
+ mtsprg 1,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_SPRG0+8(r1)
+ mtsprg 2,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_SPRG0+12(r1)
+ mtsprg 3,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_DBAT0(r1)
+ mtdbatu 0,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_DBAT0+4(r1)
+ mtdbatl 0,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_DBAT1(r1)
+ mtdbatu 1,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_DBAT1+4(r1)
+ mtdbatl 1,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_DBAT2(r1)
+ mtdbatu 2,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_DBAT2+4(r1)
+ mtdbatl 2,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_DBAT3(r1)
+ mtdbatu 3,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_DBAT3+4(r1)
+ mtdbatl 3,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_IBAT0(r1)
+ mtibatu 0,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_IBAT0+4(r1)
+ mtibatl 0,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_IBAT1(r1)
+ mtibatu 1,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_IBAT1+4(r1)
+ mtibatl 1,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_IBAT2(r1)
+ mtibatu 2,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_IBAT2+4(r1)
+ mtibatl 2,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_IBAT3(r1)
+ mtibatu 3,r4
+ lwz r4,SL_IBAT3+4(r1)
+ mtibatl 3,r4
+ li r4,0
+ mtspr SPRN_DBAT4U,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_DBAT4L,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_DBAT5U,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_DBAT5L,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_DBAT6U,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_DBAT6L,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_DBAT7U,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_DBAT7L,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_IBAT4U,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_IBAT4L,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_IBAT5U,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_IBAT5L,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_IBAT6U,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_IBAT6L,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_IBAT7U,r4
+ mtspr SPRN_IBAT7L,r4
+ /* Flush all TLBs */
+ lis r4,0x1000
+1: addic. r4,r4,-0x1000
+ tlbie r4
+ blt 1b
+ sync
+ /* restore the MSR and turn on the MMU */
+ lwz r3,SL_MSR(r1)
+ bl pm_turn_on_mmu
+ /* get back the stack pointer */
+ tovirt(r1,r1)
+ /* Restore TB */
+ li r3,0
+ mttbl r3
+ lwz r3,SL_TB(r1)
+ lwz r4,SL_TB+4(r1)
+ mttbu r3
+ mttbl r4
+ bl do_swsusp2_resume_2
+ /* Restore the callee-saved registers and return */
+ lwz r0,SL_CR(r1)
+ mtcr r0
+ lwz r2,SL_R2(r1)
+ lmw r12,SL_R12(r1)
+ addi r1,r1,SL_SIZE
+ lwz r0,4(r1)
+ mtlr r0
+ blr
+ mflr r4
+ tovirt(r4,r4)
+ mtsrr0 r4
+ mtsrr1 r3
+ sync
+ isync
+ rfi
+ mfmsr r3
+ andi. r0,r3,MSR_DR|MSR_IR /* MMU enabled? */
+ beqlr
+ andc r3,r3,r0
+ mtspr SRR0,r4
+ mtspr SRR1,r3
+ sync
+ rfi
+ .section ".data.nosave"
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .long 0
+ .section .data
+ .balign L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE
+ .long 0
+ .balign L1_CACHE_LINE_SIZE,0
+ .text
Index: linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/Makefile
--- linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/Makefile (revision 192)
+++ linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/Makefile (working copy)
@@ -34,3 +34,4 @@
obj-$(CONFIG_8xx) += softemu8xx.o

+obj-$(CONFIG_SOFTWARE_SUSPEND2) += swsusp2-asm.o
Index: linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/
--- linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/ (revision 192)
+++ linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/ (working copy)
@@ -72,6 +72,12 @@

+ . = ALIGN(4096);
+ __nosave_begin = .;
+ .data_nosave : { *(.data.nosave) }
+ . = ALIGN(4096);
+ __nosave_end = .;
. = ALIGN(32);
.data.cacheline_aligned : { *(.data.cacheline_aligned) }

Index: linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/signal.c
--- linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/signal.c (revision 192)
+++ linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/signal.c (working copy)
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include <linux/elf.h>
#include <linux/tty.h>
#include <linux/binfmts.h>
+#include <linux/suspend.h>
#include <asm/ucontext.h>
#include <asm/uaccess.h>
#include <asm/pgtable.h>
@@ -552,6 +553,11 @@
unsigned long frame, newsp;
int signr, ret;

+ if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
+ refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
+ return 0;
+ }
if (!oldset)
oldset = &current->blocked;

Index: linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/swsusp2.c
--- linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/swsusp2.c (revision 0)
+++ linux-2.6.1-suspend/arch/ppc/kernel/swsusp2.c (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+ /*
+ * Copyright 2003 Nigel Cunningham.
+ *
+ * This is the code that the code in swsusp2-asm.S for
+ * copying back the original kernel is based upon. It
+ * was based upon code that is...
+ * Copyright 2001-2002 Pavel Machek <pavel@xxxxxxx>
+ * Based on code
+ * Copyright 2001 Patrick Mochel <mochel@xxxxxxxx>
+ * Copyright 2004 Hu Gang <hugang@xxxxxxxxxxxx
+ * port to PowerPC
+ */
+#include <linux/config.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/poll.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/sysrq.h>
+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
+#include <linux/irq.h>
+#include <linux/pm.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/suspend.h>
+#include <linux/suspend-debug.h>
+#include <linux/suspend-common.h>
+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
+/* Local variables for do_swsusp2_suspend */
+volatile static int loop __nosavedata = 0;
+volatile static int state1 __nosavedata = 0;
+volatile static int state2 __nosavedata = 0;
+volatile static int state3 __nosavedata = 0;
+volatile static struct range *origrange __nosavedata;
+volatile static struct range *copyrange __nosavedata;
+volatile static int origoffset __nosavedata;
+volatile static int copyoffset __nosavedata;
+volatile static unsigned long * origpage __nosavedata;
+volatile static unsigned long * copypage __nosavedata;
+//volatile static int orig_min_free __nosavedata;
+#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
+//static unsigned long c_loops_per_jiffy_ref __nosavedata = 0;
+//static unsigned long cpu_khz_ref __nosavedata = 0;
+extern void do_swsusp2_suspend_1(void);
+extern void do_swsusp2_suspend_2(void);
+extern void do_swsusp2_resume_1(void);
+extern void do_swsusp2_resume_2(void);
+extern struct pagedir __nosavedata pagedir_resume;
+ * FIXME: This function should really be written in assembly. Actually
+ * requirement is that it does not touch stack, because %esp will be
+ * wrong during resume before restore_processor_context(). Check
+ * assembly if you modify this.
+ */
+static inline void do_swsusp2_copyback(void)
+ /*
+ * Preempt disabled in kernel we're about to restore.
+ * Make sure we match state now.
+ */
+ preempt_disable();
+ PRINTPREEMPTCOUNT("Prior to copying old kernel back.");
+ state1 = swsusp_action;
+ state2 = swsusp_debug_state;
+ state3 = console_loglevel;
+#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
+ //c_loops_per_jiffy_ref = cpu_data->loops_per_jiffy;
+ //cpu_khz_ref = cpu_khz;
+ origrange = pagedir_resume.origranges.first;
+ copyrange = pagedir_resume.destranges.first;
+ origoffset = origrange->minimum;
+ copyoffset = copyrange->minimum;
+ origpage = (unsigned long *) (page_address(mem_map + origoffset));
+ copypage = (unsigned long *) (page_address(mem_map + copyoffset));
+ //orig_min_free = swsusp_min_free;
+ while (origrange) {
+ for (loop=0; loop < (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(unsigned long)); loop++)
+ *(origpage + loop) = *(copypage + loop);
+ if (origoffset < origrange->maximum) {
+ origoffset++;
+ origpage += (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(unsigned long));
+ } else {
+ origrange = origrange->next;
+ if (origrange) {
+ origoffset = origrange->minimum;
+ origpage = (unsigned long *) (page_address(mem_map + origoffset));
+ }
+ }
+ if (copyoffset < copyrange->maximum) {
+ copyoffset++;
+ copypage += (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(unsigned long));
+ } else {
+ copyrange = copyrange->next;
+ if (copyrange) {
+ copyoffset = copyrange->minimum;
+ copypage = (unsigned long *) (page_address(mem_map + copyoffset));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/* Ahah, we now run with our old stack, and with registers copied from
+ suspend time */
+#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
+ //cpu_data->loops_per_jiffy = c_loops_per_jiffy_ref;
+ //loops_per_jiffy = c_loops_per_jiffy_ref;
+ //cpu_khz = cpu_khz_ref;
+ swsusp_action = state1;
+ swsusp_debug_state = state2;
+ console_loglevel = state3;
+ //swsusp_min_free = orig_min_free;
+void do_swsusp_lowlevel(int resume)
+ if (!resume) {
+ do_swsusp2_suspend_1();
+ /* call_processor_state() in x86 */
+ __asm__ __volatile__ (" bl save_processor_state");
+ /* saving stack */
+// __asm__ __volatile__("sync");
+// do_swsusp2_suspend_2();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* setup swapper_pg_dir in x86 */
+ do_swsusp2_resume_1();
+ do_swsusp2_copyback();
+ /* setup segment register */
+// __asm__ __volatile__("sync");
+ restore_processor_state();
+ do_swsusp2_resume_2();
+#if 0
+void flush_tlb_all(void)
+ /* Flush all TLBs */
+ __asm__ __volatile__("lis 4, 0x1000");
+ __asm__ __volatile__("1: addic. 4,4,-0x1000");
+ __asm__ __volatile__("tlbie 4");
+ __asm__ __volatile__("blt 1b");
+ __asm__ __volatile__("sync");
Index: linux-2.6.1-suspend/include/asm-ppc/suspend.h
--- linux-2.6.1-suspend/include/asm-ppc/suspend.h (revision 0)
+++ linux-2.6.1-suspend/include/asm-ppc/suspend.h (revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef _PPC_SUSPEND_H
+#define _PPC_SUSPEND_H
+static inline void flush_tlb_all(void)
+ /* Flush all TLBs */
+ __asm__ __volatile__("lis 4, 0x1000");
+ __asm__ __volatile__("1: addic. 4,4,-0x1000");
+ __asm__ __volatile__("tlbie 4");
+ __asm__ __volatile__("blt 1b");
+ __asm__ __volatile__("sync");