Re: Nvidia drivers and 2.6.x kernel
From: Charles Shannon Hendrix
Date: Thu Jan 22 2004 - 19:31:39 EST
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 @ 12:12 +0000, Kieran said:
> How strange. I run slack 9.1 and 2.6.1, just grabbed the 4496
> pre-patched file from and installed it
> as I would on 2.4. Works a charm.
How's the performance?
I have found the 4496 and 5328 drivers lowered my performance.
5328 is supposed to be faster mip-mapping and faster when running with
vertical blank sync, but I didn't see it myself. It also caused quite a
few sound artifacts from my Live! sound card.
Anyone done a driver-by-driver benchmark?
I got tired of it, but here's the performance order on my system from
fastest to slowest:
3xxx (last stable 3xxx driver)
Mostly what I look for are not benchmark numbers, but notable hesitation
in programs and interactive response, and side effects like bad sound
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