Re: [OT] Sco
From: Timothy Miller
Date: Tue Jan 27 2004 - 11:21:04 EST
walt wrote:
Wakko Warner wrote:
There's a new virus out called W32/MyDoom.A that between feb 1st and
12th it
will DoS I didn't see anything on the list about it this
morning so I thought I'd share.
So, are you suggesting that we all start using Outlook Express on Jan 31?
As much as SCO disturbs me, these kinds of underhanded attacks against
them disgust me. They stoop to SCO's level, or worse. SCO can and will
be dealt with properly through the use of FACTS.
Besides, DoS attacks against SCO will only be blamed on the Linux
community. So the developer of that virus is either a complete idiot or
is acting to intentionally hurt our image.
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