Re: Linux 2.6.2 aka "Feisty Dunnart"
From: Ian Soboroff
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 09:44:20 EST
Linus Torvalds <torvalds@xxxxxxxx> writes:
> I just pushed out the BK trees, and the tar-ball/patches are going out as
> I write this, for Linux 2.6.2. The honor of naming it goes to Gernot
> Heiser, for reasons that are largely alcoholic, I suspect. Good job!
For the benefit of those of you who, like me, didn't know what a
dunnart is, from
There are ten species of dunnart. Some of them are the common
dunnart, white-footed dunnart, and the Darling Downs
dunnart. There is also the fat-tailed dunnart. They are called the
marsupial mouse and are usually 10 to 16 cm. long.
They live in Australia and New Guinea. These marsupial mice live
in deserts and rainforests and eat grasshopppers, spiders,
lizards, mice and small animals.
All dunnarts are fearless and will protect themselves if they are
scared or threatened. They all have litters of up to 10 babies
about 3 to 4 times a year.
The fat-tailed dunnart is the smallest and has soft, fine, gray or
black fur. They also have large ears and thick tails with short,
stiff hairs. The dunnart stores all its fat in its tail.
According to that third paragraph, we need to up our release schedule
a bit.
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