Re: PATCH - ext2fs privacy (i.e. secure deletion) patch
From: the grugq
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 20:53:48 EST
But what happens when the 'setgid' bit is put on a directory? At least
in 2.4 existing files do NOT get the group set, only files newly
created. So unless someone feels that's a bug which needs immediate
fixing, I can point to it as a model by which the feature could be
practically implemented.
Implementing the privacy patch based on the suggestions put forward
(chattr +s && mount options), i've hit something of a snag.
If a directory has "chattr +s" then whenever a directory entry is
deleted, should the dirent contents be overwritten, or should only freed
blocks be overwritten? It makes sense to me that the directory entry
should be overwritten because it is inaccessible meta-data and exposes
information about the file system. Since the user obviously wants the
directory to be securely deleted, that could be construed as implying
they want sensitive directory content securely deleted as well.
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