It's the classic fairness vs throughput thing we've argued about before.Yep. I've argued for fairness here, and that is presently what
Most workloads don't have that static a number of processes, but it probably does need to do it if the imbalance is persistent ... but much
more reluctantly than normal balancing. See the patch I sent out a bit
earlier to test it - that may be *too* extreme in the other direction,
but it should confirm what's going on, at least.
we get. Between nodes the threshold should probably be higher
OK, but do you agree that the rate we rebalance things like 2 vs 1 should
be slower than the rate we rebalance 3 vs 1 ? Fairness is only relevant
over a long term imbalance anyway, so there should be a big damper on
"fairness only" rebalances.
Moreover, as Rick pointed out, it's particularly futile over idle cpus ;-)